Hello! I am Eric Roy. I am studying engineering. I have passion for music, programming and video games.

My projects
Click on the photos to see the projects!

SOME Skills

Back-end developper

As you can see in my projects and in this website, I prefer the work that is behind the scenes. Almost all of my projects involve some kind of security-related stuff, and data management.


I have been playing instruments (piano, guitar, saxophone, ...) since I was a child. I have done a few compositions, and my next project will also involve some soundtracks made by myself.


I have 3 mother tongues: Catalan, Spanish and French. I have the Cambridge CAE (C1 level in English), and I started learning German last year.

My next big project

I am making (very slowly) a video game: DEBUG IT!
It will be a game where you need to fix some bugs and glitches in-game in order to continue. As I am making this alone, this game will take me some time!